Saturday, March 31, 2012


I conducted a very brief interview with Jay Taylor (A first for this blog!) via Twitter (See below). Nothing but first class journalism on this blog! Remember you read it here first (unless you read his tweets, then you've probably already read it).
Interesting development in the Twitter-sphere: Jay Taylor is now following Gary Amers. I don't know if it means anything, but it seems strange that after all these months he would decide to finally follow a fellow member of The Churned.
More photos from Magic of the Movies, the show Gary Amers was in in Beirut, are available on the Croc Bisous FB page .
The tour of Snookered, the play that Michael Luxton is in, ends at The Nuffield Theatre in Southampton, with shows 3,4,and 5 April.
The Watch our Ads page  has returned to the Yeo Valley website (obviously due to the pressure caused by earlier posts on this blog). So there is a little bit more of The Churned on the site now, but still far from enough.

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