Saturday, March 31, 2012


This is a photo of Jaz from the Yeo Valley FB page .


I conducted a very brief interview with Jay Taylor (A first for this blog!) via Twitter (See below). Nothing but first class journalism on this blog! Remember you read it here first (unless you read his tweets, then you've probably already read it).
Interesting development in the Twitter-sphere: Jay Taylor is now following Gary Amers. I don't know if it means anything, but it seems strange that after all these months he would decide to finally follow a fellow member of The Churned.
More photos from Magic of the Movies, the show Gary Amers was in in Beirut, are available on the Croc Bisous FB page .
The tour of Snookered, the play that Michael Luxton is in, ends at The Nuffield Theatre in Southampton, with shows 3,4,and 5 April.
The Watch our Ads page  has returned to the Yeo Valley website (obviously due to the pressure caused by earlier posts on this blog). So there is a little bit more of The Churned on the site now, but still far from enough.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Gary Amers has updated his YouTube page. There is a new version of his show reel, with some footage that isn't in the old one. There's also a new song!!!!!


Jay Taylor regularly runs to raise money for Leukaemia And Lymphoma Research [site]. He will soon be running in The London Marathon [site]. The little bio above is from the official pdf of celebrities who will be participating (This, of course, makes him officially a celebrity). The photos of him running are from the Fleet Half Marathon, which he ran in last Sunday. If you want to see them without the website name printed all over them, you can order copies here.

So if you're in or near London go show your support on marathon day. Good luck, Jay. Run like that chicken!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Gary Amers would like everyone to watch The Voice UK on BBC1, and support his friend Toni Warne [Twitter, Youtube].

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


One of the iconic images from the "Forever" video is Aiden with the owl on his arm. That owl is Jaz, a tawny owl (Strix aluco) owned by Ian McGuire of Wild Owl (the photos are from her FB page). Jaz was born in 2005. She was rescued as a chick and could not be returned to the wild, so she is used to educate people about owl conservation, and occasionally works in show biz. An account of her work with The Churned (with photos) can be found here, there's also a video [It says Jaz is the cute one with the big brown eyes, but isn't that Bradley?].

The tawny owl is a native British species. You can find out more at RSPB, and at Wild Owl.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The play Snookered, whose cast includes The Churned's Michael Luxton (playing Dave, the barman), has been nominated for an Offie award for Best Ensemble Acting, and also for Best New Play.

Snookered is playing at the Bush Theatre in London until March 24.

Monday, March 12, 2012


OK, I admit that I think Gary Amers is adorable dressed up as a donkey, and I couldn't resist posting some caps even though it makes him look a little silly. But I want to make it clear that I take him very seriously as an artist, and have a profound admiration for his talents. Vocalists have always been the artists that impact me the most and Gary Amers is one of the best I have ever heard. I am in awe of his potential (He has a way to go still before he's in full control of it, though). He has a fantastic voice, but that is just a part of it. Most singers just sing. Some act when they sing (which Gary Amers does very well). But he goes beyond this: when he sings there is a vision and an intelligence using the voice to create, like a great painter uses paint. And on top of this he can dance and act!

I have listened (a lot!) to all I have been able to find of his singing, and it gets better each time I listen. So, please, understand that I wasn't trying to make fun of him with the Donkey caps.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Look at that expression! Yeo Valley may be very good yogurt, but it is still yogurt.

Seriously, as I have said before, I think the 4 actors who play The Churned deserve a lot of credit for creating characters with real personalities, especially considering how short the ad is, and the fact that they have no lines. It's good to see that Jay Taylor made Aiden such a likable and sympathetic character, since he so often is cast in really nasty roles. For instance, in The Fixer [Clip here].

Currently, Jay can be seen in the movie Red Tails (Just don't blink!).

Thursday, March 8, 2012


As I mentioned earlier, Yeo Valley has renovated their website. This is fine, but The Churned has virtually disappeared from it! I've found a couple of very brief mentions, but no photos. I was able to get a Google preview of the "Meet The Churned" page, but when I tried to access the page itself I got a big 404! There is still a link on the website to the "Our TV ads" page. But the link also leads to 404.

They should put more of The Churned on their website, not less! Maybe I won't try Yeo Valley yogurt next time I'm in the UK.

Monday, March 5, 2012


This is a video [Link] of Gary Amers on the children's TV show CU & TC on MTV Lebanon, dressed as a donkey [I won't lower the dignity of this blog by making "hot ass" comments. Should make the fur lovers happy, though]. He's there promoting Magic of the Movies with other cast members from the show. Be patient, he doesn't show up until nearly halfway through.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I have found some photos of The Magic of the Movies, the show in Beirut with Gary Amers. They're from the Croc Bisous FB page, and you can find more here. I also found some videos of the show [Link], including one of Gary playing the lion king. (Now I have 52 more seconds of him singing!)

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Gary Amers has updated his YouTube page. More of his comedy videos are available now.

But I need more of him singing! I've found this amazing vocalist, and there is so little I can listen to. It's very frustrating. I just have to be patient, I guess.


Samuel Feeney is really Harry Styles! I know it sounds unbelievable, but this video [Link] that I found proves it.

Friday, March 2, 2012


When the Yeo Valley ad (which wasn't really the Yeo Valley ad) aired during the Brit Awards, something struck me as not being right. On closer inspection I found that a scene had been added to show the new look of Yeo Valley milk. Yeo Valley has also given a new look to its website. It's nice, but I can't find much about The Churned on it! ("I'm not happy.")


Jay Taylor has returned home after a lengthy visit to my backward nation. These photos of the trip are from his twitter (The one on the beach in LA is really well done).

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize, on behalf of my country, for that revolution nonsense. 'Twas a bloody awful mistake in my view.