Friday, December 16, 2011


I can't watch many popular music videos. Generally, before they are half over, I am either bored or sick. So why can I watch "Forever" over and over, and like it more and more? Clearly, this is one of the great mysteries of the universe and can never be fully understood by a merely human brain, but I have to try. So here are some thoughts:

1. OK, let's state the obvious: these guys are hot! This is surely part of the appeal. But hot pop stars are pretty common, and physical attractiveness only goes so far.

2. It's fun. Too often in our popular culture fun is equated with brain-dead. This video is fun and intelligent.

3. It's serious. We are facing serious problems on this planet. Factory farming and genetically modified crops are not the solution. We have to work with nature. This is an important message.

4. A lot of people have contributed in the creation of The Churned, but the four actors who portray them deserve the credit for creating full characters out of what could easily have been cardboard cut-outs. These four fictional pop stars have more personality than most of the real ones. I think this is the main reason that the video stands up to repeated viewings.

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